Wednesday 14 December 2011


Many people don’t comprehend when it’s the time to change, a lot of us will say that I will start to adjust by tomorrow, a week to or a month and this goes on to a year after. Nevertheless, this come to our attention that the way you wanted haven’t happened; this procrastination result to the time been even a decade or a century. It will be vital for us to know when we are supposed to change. Therefore, for you and me to change is that moment you think that you really need a change in your entire life.

The most and crucial issue that make people to change from bad to good or failure to success is the determination one has in his or her life.

 The determination a person has can really open many avenues for him or her. It will be imperative for us to see beyond our thoughts which are our imagination. There is a novel which is entitled of A RICH DAD AND POOR DAD. It is interestingly that the poor dad use to say that I can’t make it. However, the rich dad will say how can I make it? Therefore, there are two distinct differences that come across these statements. The poor dad has a full stop at the end of his statement while the rich dad has the question mark. The poor dad doesn’t give room for thinking but has just made a conclusion that he can not make it. This can be in his education, taking his responsibility as a parent or in his occupation to make money work for him not that he is working for it. In the case with the rich dad he has given his mind room to think in that how can I succeed with my education, family or his occupation he is doing, it can be a personal business as an entrepreneur. Eventually, the rich dad will come to realize that money is really working for him not the opposite. It is now for us to think positively and be determined in all that we are doing.

How can we know that we are really focusing individual? First and foremost;
  •  Identifying your weakness points and therefore, works on them.
  •  Have personal dairy, reminders that will aid you when you are supposed to do your work. 
  •   Have your strategies or objectives and work extremely hard to accomplish them.
  • Commence on working at the moment by avoiding procrastination.

Thursday 8 December 2011


There is one comedian whose name is Busket Mouth from Nigerian who was really spreading the good news of abstinence . It was all about the deadly disease of HIV/AIDS which kills many life of people in various part of the world.
However, as human beings we truly know that in this life we are living in you either be rich or poor, brave or coward, succeed or fail, single or married, mean or generous, merits or demerits, and last but not least being saved or unsaved.

You either be saved or unsaved
 If you are saved you are safe 
If you are unsaved you will die and go to hell
If you are saved there are two things involved
You either walk pure in heart or impure in heart
If you walk pure in heart you safe
If you walk impure in heart you won't see the kingdom of God
If you walk pure in heart there are two things involved
You either make someone holy or not
If you make someone holy you are safe
If you don't make someone holy you won't be called child of God
If you make someone holy there are two things involved
This person can save many souls or not
If he/ she saves many souls you are safe
If he/ she doesn't save many souls you won't have done God's purpose
If this person save many souls there is only ONE thing involved
You will be blessed abundantly and above all you will see kingdom of God

Mathew 5: 8 " Blessed are the pure in heart,for they shall see God "


Self motivation is a situation of you as an individual should have understanding of your thoughts and how they drive your emotions.
 There are three reasons involves
  • Lack of confidence. This simple means that if you don't believe you can succeed. What's the point in trying?
  • Lack of focus. This means that if you don't know what you want, do you really want any thing?
  • Lack of direction. If you don't know what to do as an individual, how can you be motivated to do it?
  • Set aside time to focus on everything positive in your life
  • Make a list of your past successes, your strength and current advantages
  • The mind normally distorts reality to confirm what it wants to believe. The negatively you think, the more example your mind will discover to confirm your belief and vice visa. 
  • For instance, when you truly believe that you deserve success, you mind will generate ways to achieve it
  • How often do you focus on want you don't want,rather than on a concrete goal?
  • We normally think in terms of fear.One may say that I'm afraid of being poor,I'm afraid no one will respect me in this society.I'm afraid of being alone or am afraid of investing
  • You have to define a goal which will result to a set of actions
  • For instance, if you have fear of poverty, create an income plan to increase your income
  • Be focusing your mind on a positive goals instead of ambiguous fear, you should put your brain at work.
  • Direction can be defined in a simple term in having a day to day strategy
  • The key to find direction is identifying the activities that lead top success

Thursday 17 November 2011


Nature is great in the sense that it provide man kind with all the require resource. It is will be important  to us as human beings who were created by God to take good care of it, for our future generation this result in the principle of inter generational equity . Nature might be closely related to our own life in that we as the individuals we have to take good care of our own life. Nature correspond to body and you taking good care of it will result for the benefits which will aid you in future. Therefore, the choice we make will determine our future life." Choice we make,since we made them can only affect us,those around us and our lives in general'' by Dr. Daisy Sutherland.Therefore, its important for all of us to view things in positive dimension. This life is full of challenges that surround us and they will be part and parcel of our life. We as an individual we can't run away from it but to overcome them through prayers and being self motivated. Our nature has made to have passion in pursuing undergraduate course in Management of Agro-ecosystem and environment in The University of Nairobi. Conservation and sustainability of natural resources has made my fellow colleagues and I to come up with a forum called UKEF; that is Upper Kabete Environmental Forum where by all students in any faulty is allowed to register. I'm currently the Organizing Secretary of the forum, however, lets all conserve our nature for the benefit it entails for us by not contributing to global warming.
Have been asking myself this question for many times if the world was with people or individuals who are perfect, how could it have looked?The answer is that God who is our creator is the one who is perfect and no one won't be perfect like Him. Nevertheless, if the world was full of people who are perfect there would be no accidents,building collapses, motor vehicle wearing out, no case of death within the hospitals etc. We therefore, should accept that we are not perfect we can make mistakes which can be corrected by ourselves and take a positive step forward to achiever the desire of our dreams that we have. Nature is aesthetic and it gives us freedom and choice of recreation and leisure as part of an ecosystem services.


Bonnke is the name I was given by with my loved mum Leonorah Opiyo when Evangelist. Reinhard Bonnke first came in Kenya in the late month in the year 1988. Its a name which has a real meaning in my life, name has a meaning into your life but the choice is us for  whom you want to be. Reading my inspiration articles will make you think different than before. When I realize that I can motivate others is when I develop confidence in me. I  used to be a stutter for almost 17 years, my fellow colleagues would start laughing at me in classes when it was my turn to read a paragraph. It was when I used to be in my primary level and part of my form 1 at the secondary level. I made a prayer that I want to speak fluently like any other person and truly speaking God made it to pass.

I ask myself that I really want to be own I am and overcome my fears. I remember one day I stood before my colleagues and started motivating them on how they need to view the environment around them including people. I normally find myself motivating myself, my fellow colleagues and this made me to relate positively with others. I'm also a peer counselor trained from high school level and experienced. I thank God for giving me this opportunity to inspire any person(s) who will read my inspirational articles, I'm a kind of person who believe that whatever you may want in your life you will definitely achieve it by simply believing in yourself.  

Almighty God can also do for you more than that you think is impossible just believe and have faith. Lets remember that the difference between a fool and a wise person is through reasoning. A  fool person is satisfied in distraction but a wise person is satisfied in achievements. Lets be wise people who can make a great difference in all the activities we are involved in.    


Life is dynamic if I can say so because of what people normally go through, sometimes you my think that you are the only one who is going through a lot of challenges. I tell you each one of us have some of troubles with in person's life it can be physically, economically, socially, spiritually or politically. I want to encourage you by telling you that the challenges that are there are to make as strong and strong if anyone fears challenges is the weaker he or she becomes. Never be discourage by any person if you really have an idea to invest, pursue your profession, get into real estate simply because all that you believe in achieving you can. Its good for as to listen to advices from different sort of people but we should take a wise advice.
It will be good and encouraging if everyone take is work seriously whether as rubbish collect, housemaid, class prefect, a parent , as employer or employee because there is a reward in any good work one does. Therefore, we shouldn't despite any kind of work we are doing or other people for as to succeed in life. Proverb 16: 3 "Commit whatever you do to the Lord, and all your plans will succeed" Sometimes other people who were rich after some decades they go back as poorer than before simply because they don't commit everything they are doing to the Lord.
In conclusion, life can make you a champion or a loser depending on our goals and objectives in your life. Its never too late from where one is at the moment its what people have heard for many centuries  what matters is that ''its too late to start late''.